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Using the right search firm will get you talent not just a body.

If your recruiting is costing too much, taking too long, and producing unimpressive applicants, partnering with the right search firm to supplement your efforts is likely the solution. Here’s why:

  • Access the Entire Candidate Pool – Search firms work with both active and passive candidates (professionals currently employed). Since more professionals are included in this group, your candidate pool is both larger and more dynamic.

  • Enhance the Vetting Process-Search firms can spend a great deal of time not only in recruiting candidates but they can dedicate more time and resources to vetting candidates. The candidates they deliver to you tend to be of a higher caliber overall and a stronger cultural fit.

  • Connect with Top Talent – Top professionals have learned that working with a reputable search firm is a great way to find more career opportunities and move up the ladder faster. That means the candidate rosters these firms have built have a lot of impressive talent among the ranks.

  • Speed Up the Recruiting Process – When you need a qualified candidate fast, the resources of a search firm directly support your interests. They can dip into established candidate pools strategically and find you the professional you need in a fraction of the time.

  • Find Talent to Meet Real Needs – Search firms succeed by understanding the real needs of client companies and hiring managers, and the real abilities of the candidates they source. That makes these firms uniquely capable of delivering employees who can make an immediate impact.

  • Shrink Your Candidate Pool – For the most part, search firms get paid when they make a placement, not when they produce a flurry of candidates. That creates a powerful incentive for them to locate a limited number of highly qualified candidates. You have the luxury of selecting the best of the best.

  • Lure Away Passive Candidates – It stands to reason that professionals who are gainfully employed will have more to offer than professionals scrambling for a job. Unfortunately, recruiting this talent is a time – and labor-intensive process that requires a lot of finesse. Most corporate recruiters simply don’t have the necessary resources, but staffing firms do.

If you’re intrigued by the opportunities that come from partnering with a reputable search firm that specializes in the restaurant/hospitality industry have a conversation with the team at Beacon Search, Inc.

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